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Integrating Ethics Into Your BCBA Supervision with Dr. Tyra Sellers, BCBA-D

Dr. Tyra P. Sellers, BCBA-D

Connections Behavior Planning and Intervention is excited to welcome Tyra P. Sellers, JD, PhD, BCBA-D for a Continuing Education webinar for Behavior Analysts! This event will focus on strategies to improve your supervision of BCBA students.


The number of individuals holding some level of certification from the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) continues to grow. This growth relies on a supervisory model to shape future practitioners and supervisors. Board Certified individuals must comply with requirements set forth by the BACB to provide supervision, including adherence with the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysis, the RBT Code of Ethics, and accruing continuing education units specifically in supervision each renewal cycle. However, many behavior analysts receive little, if any, direct instruction on how to be an effective supervisor. This workshop will focus on strategies for developing a full repertoire of skills needed to not only provide high-quality supervision, but also to place supervisees on a path to become high-quality supervisors in the future. Effective supervision involves developing committed a supervisory relationship, delivering feedback, approaching the relationship from a place of cultural humility, evaluating the effects of the supervisory practices, and teaching supervisees how to evaluate their own skills. High quality supervision includes developing complex skills, such as interpersonal and communication, organizational and time management, problem identification and solving, and ethics. This workshop will focus on discussing these often overlooked, but critical components of effective supervisory practices for behavior analysts.

About the Presenter:

Tyra P. Sellers, JD, PhD, BCBA-D is the Director of Ethics at the Behavior Analyst Certification Board. She earned a B.A. in Philosophy and M.A. in Special Education from San Francisco State University, a J.D. from the University of San Francisco and a Ph.D. from Utah State University. Her professional and research interests focus on professional ethics, training and supervision, assessment and treatment of severe problem behavior, variability, and verbal behavior. Dr. Sellers has over 20 years of clinical experience working with individuals with disabilities in a wide variety of settings. Tyra has served as a board member in various positions, for the Utah Association of Behavior Analysis. She currently serves on the editorial board for two journals.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completing this event, attendees will be able to:

  1. Identify two examples of high-quality feedback from low-quality feedback and deliver high-quality feedback.
  2. State two ways to initiate and engage in a difficult conversation.
  3. Describe at least three steps in a structured problem-solving approach and apply it to scenarios.
  4. Describe content, other than the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts to include in supervision and training.

CEU’s included, and Cost to Attend:

  • 3.0 Learning BACB CEU’s in Supervision
    • $59.99 (CEU’s included in price)


  1. Garza, K. L.,McGee, H.M., Schenk, Y. A., &Wiskirchen, R. R. (2017). Some tools for carrying out a proposed process for supervising experience hours for aspiring Board Certified Behavior Analysts®. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 11, 1–9.
  2. Neely, L., Gann, C., Castro-Villarreal, F., & Villarreal, V. (2019). Preliminary Findings of Culturally Responsive Consultation with Educators. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-12.
  3. Sellers, T. P., Alai-Rosales, S., & MacDonald, R. P. (2016). Taking full responsibility: The ethics of supervision in behavior analytic practice. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9, 299–308.
  4. Sellers, T. P., LeBlanc, L. A., & Valentino, A. L. (2016). Recommendations for detecting and addressing barriers to successful supervision. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9, 309–319.
  5. Sellers, T. P., Valentino, A. L., Landon, T. J., & Aiello, S. (2019). Board Certified Behavior Analysts’ Supervisory Practices of Trainees: Survey Results and Recommendations. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-11.
  6. Sellers, T. P., Valentino, A. L., & LeBlanc, L. A. (2016). Recommended practices for individual supervision of aspiring behavior analysts. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9, 274–286.
  7. Shuler, N., & Carroll, R. A. (2019). Training supervisors to provide performance feedback using video modeling with voiceover instructions. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(3), 576-591.
  8. Taylor, B. A., LeBlanc, L. A., & Nosik, M. R. (2019). Compassionate care in behavior analytic treatment: Can outcomes be enhanced by attending to relationships with caregivers?. Behavior Analysis in Practice12(3), 654-666.

For questions, challenges with registration, or any other needed information, please contact Dusty, Director of Continuing Education and ACE Coordinator for CBPI, LLC, at

Connections Behavior Planning & Intervention, LLC, is a BACB-Approved ACE Provider (Provider # OP-17-2781). The BACB does not directly sponsor or endorse this event, its speakers, or its content.


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  • Our office is located at 8725 S 212th St. Kent, WA 98031
  • 425-658-3016