Connections Behavior Planning and Intervention is excited to welcome Dr. Emily Sandoz for a Continuing Education webinar for Behavior Analysts!
Overall, behavioral service providers are at overall high risk of burnout. For behavior analysts, increased societal scrutiny, expanding scope of practice, and conflicts between client needs and financial contingencies have bolstered increased interest in the prevention of and recovery from burnout. Among the needs that the challenge of burnout presents is the need for opportunities to conceptualize and build resilience. This presentation will explore resilience conceptually and experientially in terms of appetitive and aversive functional relations. We will explore (1) aversive functional relations that comprise the experience of suffering, and examine the contexts that function aversively, (2) appetitive functional relations that comprise the experience of thriving, and examine the contexts that function appetitively, and (3) bringing appetitive functions to bear in contexts that currently pull for suffering.
About the Presenter:
Dr. Emily K. Sandoz (she/they) is the Emma Louise LeBlanc Burguieres/BORSF Endowed Professor of Social Sciences and Full Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Emily is the Director of the Louisiana Contextual Science Research Group, which supports collaborative contributions from students and professionals from all over the world. They have co-authored three books on acceptance and commitment therapy for struggles with eating and body image, along with chapters and journal articles on contextual behavioral science, social justice, clinical behavioral processes, and psychological flexibility. Emily has led more than 100 training workshops for professionals around the world, and serves as a peer-reviewed ACT trainer. They also practice as a Clinical Psychologist, focusing on clinical behavior analysis.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe examples of aversive contexts in one’s own repertoire and the behaviors functionally related to them.
- Describe examples of appetitive contexts in one’s own repertoire and the behaviors functionally related to them.
- Describe contextual changes that could be implemented to support resilience, or transitions to appetitive functional relations in previously aversive contexts.
BACB CEU’s included, and Cost to Attend:
- 1.5 Learning CEU
- $29.99 (CEU’s included in price)
For questions, challenges with registration, or any other needed information, please contact Dusty, Director of Continuing Education and ACE Coordinator for CBPI, LLC, at
Connections Behavior Planning & Intervention, LLC, is a BACB-Approved ACE Provider (Provider # OP-17-2781). The BACB does not directly sponsor or endorse this event, its speakers, or its content.
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