Connections Behavior Planning and Intervention welcomes Dr. Daniel Mruzek, PhD, BCBA-D, for a webinar on practical and Ethical considerations for Toilet Training!
Teaching the young learner with ASD or other developmental disability how to use the toilet can be a challenge for any clinician and team!
In this workshop, we will systematically review best practice strategies to help learners with autism and other developmental disabilities learn this important life skill. Topics will include determining readiness for training, identifying, and overcoming barriers to effective training, solving problems that pop up during training, using positive reinforcement to encourage success, and helping the child to keep the skill over time and in different places. This presentation will include a step-by-step guide and examples of instructional and adaptive supports used in the presenter’s clinical practice. A special emphasis will be placed on (a) ethical considerations unique to toilet training; (b) techniques and strategies to overcome problems that derail progress; and (c) ways of serving as an effective clinical leader and supporter of families and teams, especially in challenging clinical circumstances.
About the Presenter:
Dr. Daniel W. Mruzek, BCBA-D, received his doctoral training in Psychology at the Ohio State University and is a former Program Director at the Groden Center in Providence, Rhode Island. He has been a researcher on several externally funded intervention studies, including controlled trials of an innovative toilet training method for children with autism that employs an Apple OS – based app and manualized intervention that he and colleagues developed. Dan has authored and co-authored more than twenty peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on autism and other developmental disabilities, including chapters in the popular text, Making Inclusion Work for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Evidence-Based Guideand the APA Parent Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder. He has been a longtime member of the faculty in the Applied Behavior Analysis program at the University of Rochester Warner School of Education. He has also served on the editorial board for the journals Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and is a “Top Ten” contributor to the Autism Speaks Got Questions? blog site for families and practitioners. Dan is a coauthor of two instruments published by Pro-Ed Publishers, Inc., the Developmental Assessment for Individuals with Severe Disabilities and the Adaptive Behavior Diagnostic Scale. He is a popular community presenter and has provided staff trainings with agencies internationally for more than two decades.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will describe a model for troubleshooting stalled toilet training programs and how to use this model to establish new clinical momentum.
- Participants will demonstrate specific training and consultative techniques when working in training environments and circumstances that make toilet training especially difficult.
- Participants will recognize specific ethical quandaries that arise in toilet training and demonstrate a working knowledge of how to integrate ABA-based intervention and our ethical responsibilities.
- Participants will identify the common barriers to success in toilet training and treatment strategies to overcome these barriers.
- Participants will identify strategies for analyzing behavioral data as a means of recognizing specific problems that compromise progress in toilet training.
CEU’s included, and Cost to Attend:
- 2.0 Learning BACB CEU’s (including 1.0 Ethics CEU)
- $39.99 (CEU’s included in price)
For questions, challenges with registration, or any other needed information, please contact Dusty, Director of Continuing Education and ACE Coordinator for CBPI, LLC, at
Connections Behavior Planning & Intervention, LLC, is a BACB-Approved ACE Provider (Provider # OP-17-2781). The BACB does not directly sponsor or endorse this event, its speakers, or its content.
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