Connections Behavior Planning and Intervention is excited to welcome Amy Gravino, MA, Autism Sexuality Advocate, for a Continuing Education webinar for Behavior Analysts!
About the Presenter:
Amy Gravino, M.A. is an autism sexuality advocate and Relationship Coach in the Center for Adult Autism Services at Rutgers University. She is also the President of A.S.C.O.T Consulting, which offers autism consulting, college coaching, and mentoring services for organizations, schools, individuals on the autism spectrum, and their families. Amy is an international speaker who has given TED talks, spoken twice at the United Nations for World Autism Awareness Day, and presented worldwide to audiences on a variety of topics related to autism, with a dedicated special focus and research on the subject of autism and sexuality. Ms. Gravino obtained her Masters Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from Caldwell University in 2010 and currently serves on the Boards of Directors of Specialisterne North America, Yes She Can, Inc. and the Golden Door International Film Festival of Jersey City, as well as the Scientific Advisory Board of Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research (SPARK). She is an award winning writer who has co-authored a chapter on autism and sexuality in the Handbook of Quality of Life for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and her work has been featured in Spectrum, the leading online news source for autism research, and other outlets. Visit to learn more.
Learning Objectives:
- List the misconceptions around autism, sexuality, and ABA, and the potential serious consequences of not teaching dating and sexuality skills
Describe the potential for using ABA to teach dating and relationship skills to individuals on the spectrum and challenges involved in teaching these skills.
BACB CEU’s included, and Cost to Attend:
- 1.5 Learning CEU’s
- $29.99 (CEU’s included in price)
For questions, challenges with registration, or any other needed information, please contact Dusty, Director of Continuing Education and ACE Coordinator for CBPI, LLC, at
Connections Behavior Planning & Intervention, LLC, is a BACB-Approved ACE Provider (Provider # OP-17-2781). The BACB does not directly sponsor or endorse this event, its speakers, or its content.
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